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Neighbors on Call’s NC Policy Update for 02/05/24

Neighbors on Call

Fair Representation

Voting Rights 

  • On Tuesday state elections officials announced changes in the way they intend to confirm addresses of people who register to vote using same-day voter registration. New guidance requires election workers to take additional steps if an address verification card is returned, first comparing the addresses on the voter registration form and the card and then contacting the voter by mail, email, and phone to allow them to appeal or submit a new identification document. The changes come in response to a court ruling last week that same-day voting registrants’ ballots can’t be thrown out on the basis of one address verification mailing being returned as undeliverable; U.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder said he would remove his injunction only once elections officials improve the process. He has not yet said whether the new rules satisfy his requirement.

Education Policy and LGBTQ Rights

Economic Policy


Reproductive Rights


  • On Monday Governor Cooper issued an executive order to improve outcomes for people leaving prison. The order calls on the Department of Correction to work with agencies across the government to improve formerly incarcerated people’s access to housing, health care (including getting enrolled in Medicaid), and education. With this order, Cooper has enrolled North Carolina in a national effort called Reentry 2030, which aims to get state leaders to improve outcomes for people leaving prison and sets a series of benchmarks to track progress in this area by 2030.

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