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Neighbors on Call's Weekly Policy Update for 5/10/21

Neighbors on Call


Voting Rights

Education Policy

Health Care Policy

Economic Policy

  • Two bills that would impact how and where alcoholic beverages would be available advanced in the NC House. HB 693 would create a special permit for charter buses to serve alcohol beverages on trips of 75 miles or longer. HB 781 would allow North Carolina cities or counties to create "social districts" for drinking in a defined outdoor area. Legislation passed in 2020 allowed people inside shopping malls to carry around alcoholic drinks purchased at mall restaurants, and this bill expands the permit to downtowns and other designated areas. Both bills have bipartisan support. The charter bus measure is still being considered by House committees, but HB 781 passed the House and has been referred to the Senate.

Environmental Policy

Women’s Rights and LGBTQ Rights

  • Two abortion-related bills advanced in the state legislature on Thursday. HB 453 would make it illegal to get an abortion specifically because of the presumed race of the fetus or because of a Down syndrome diagnosis. Six Democrats voted with all House Republicans to pass the bill and send it to the Senate for consideration. SB 405 would make it a misdemeanor for a doctor not to provide care for an infant born after a botched abortion and would create a duty for other health care professionals to report any such failure to act. Democrats sustained Gov. Cooper’s veto of a similar bill two years ago.

Gun Violence Prevention

Criminal Justice

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